Review: Toronto Rock Legends Rush Destroy Calgary’s Saddledome
Lyle Aspinall/Calgary Sun
Well, destroy may be a bit strong (it’s still there, right?), but we think we know what Gerry Krochak is talking about in his review of Rush’s R40 Live performance in Calgary. Gerry had some special things to say about Neil:
Lyle Aspinall/Calgary Sun
“…you simply cannot take your eyes off of Peart. You know how good he is, but live he’s always better — inhuman, even. You’re watching a band, but your focus is always on him. The sticksman is precise and complex beyond explanation, or words. Even after this all this time, you still need to see and hear Peart to believe it. Everybody knows … and it’s still worth mentioning and it still blows your mind.”